Piper Arrow
Here is the basic info about the Piper Arrow
Before renting the Piper Arrow, please download and complete this checkout form

The following is required prior to renting the Arrow as PIC:
For those with less than 25 hours in complex aircraft.
- A minimum of 80 hours total time.
- Completion of the attached written test on Arrow operations and specifications.
- 5 hours dual, 20 landings and 3 flights in the Arrow.
- CFI authorization on rental agreement form.
For those with 25 hours in type (Arrow) or more than 25 hours on other complex aircraft.
- CFI checkout.
- Completion of the attached written test on Arrow operations and specifications.
- CFI authorization on rental agreement form.
- Complex endorsement if not previously endorsed
Cessna 172
Here is the basic info about the Cessna 172
Before renting the Cessna 172, please download and complete this checkout form